Email Marketing Company Chennai

Entrust us with the growth of your business

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E-mail marketing is the most cost-effective way of directly taking your product to your customer. With our extensive experience in the email marketing field, we execute promotional, informational, welcome, product/service launches, newsletters, advertisements, discounts, offers, and deal-related marketing emails. We make sure your mail gets delivered to the customer. We personalize every mail, our team will closely monitor click-through rates and optimize subject line and send time.

We conceptualize and create mailer content based on the target audience. We analyze customer behavior at every stage and tweak our strategy based on that. We test multiple variations of your emails before executing them to the masses. We create unified customer data and personalize the email based on demographics.

The art of email sculpting that guarantees increased CTR and conversion rate

Email marketing management

We create impactful, relevant content that is engaging and informative. With a catchy and attractive subject line, it encourages people to click open which increases lead conversion and traffic generation. We help your brand engage with the audience by segmenting the target audience with the right content.

A/B testing

The A/B test is the compass for email marketing at ATV, each crucial email we send to the audience will go through A/B testing. We test email variables, timing window, delivery time, subject line, images, preheader test, etc. before executing. This helps in increasing our conversion rate and helps us to understand our audience better, which results in business growth.

The distinctiveness of email marketing

In this digital era, 91% of consumers use email, making email marketing effective. Statistics show that 50% of e-commerce revenue comes from email marketing. 86% of top business professionals use email for their regular conversations, and 59% of B2B marketers speculate email marketing is the most efficient form of their business as it accounts for 73% of businesses.

Metrics and performance indicators

We use both online and offline email tracking metrics that give measurable insights about inbox placement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, bounce rate, list growth rate, email sharing/forwarding rate, overall ROI, unsubscribe rate, complaint rate, engagement trends, etc. with all this, our team will do the necessary changes in the campaign and transform campaign goals into results.

ATV’s cost effective high ROI Email marketing procedure

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Welcome Email

Welcome emails create the first impression for your product/brand, so we design them with the utmost care. The welcome mail we send will have a huge impact; it creates the stepping stone for subsequent marketing emails. We will immediately execute a welcome email when a person subscribes to you or signs up to an opt-in. Our welcome emails come with a perfect subject line, appreciation note, highlights for the next steps, helpful resources, CTC, and contact links to social media and websites.

Promotional email

Promotion Emails give people excitement and interest by offering something new each time, it is a way of letting subscribers know there is always something new. Our Emails will be attractive enough to convince customers to make a purchase, download, subscribe or register. We draft mobile-friendly promotional email content with a concise call to action, personalized subject, and clear, powerful content, highquality visuals to increase revenue and boost customer retention and engagement. We ensure good customer engagement metrics which guarantee the visibility of our promotional emails.

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Email Newsletter

Newsletters are the best way to get connected with your customers. We will keep the customer database up to date and we will schedule the email as per your request. We design and develop email content matching your brand voice and identity. Our Newsletter emails will be responsive to all devices, and we personalize the content as per the target audience. With detailed reports, our campaigns are always tailor-made.

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